Postcards Design for 2 different clients
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2 different companies asked us to create their postcards. One was new year cards and another one was postcards for a cooking school.
The new year card design was based on the scenery which illustrates the company balloon carries their employees heading towards Mt. Fuji. The service which this company offers is music related. That is why many music notes are flying around the balloon. Also the company logo is printed on the balloon. The backgrounds of both sky and ocean use Japanese traditional patterns to highlight the identity of Japanese new year image.
The client asked us to create friendly atmosphere for the postcard design of their cooking school. Every lesson without fail offers well-thought healthy recipes. Both men and women who works all day can come to this school after work feeling free to enjoy cooking because the school is located central part of the city. We choose a little bit thicker high quality white craft paper to make the most of its texture. Feel free to ask us for your business card or postcard design project.