World Master Logo Design
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We were asked to create the logo for the company, World Master. This company puts a strong focus on “person”, this being someone who is the master of various themes that interest many people all over the world. Coming up with the design to visualize the concept “Crown of Wisdom” was challenging as the design also had to be universal and able to be used in many areas. We took the guidelines above and attempted to create a logo that is simple in a figurative sense, rather than a direct interpretation of the concept, and that was gentle and warm and conveyed human touch. A person who masters the world can connect with the world, and the person is able to make the world a better place for peace. To express world, we used the “reflection of the water in the ocean” which is converted into the 2 initial letters W and M (of World Master). Also, the master has to be a world citizen, crossing over the boundaries of countries, differences in race, religion and culture, rather than just a particular citizen in one country. To express that, we chose to illustrate 2 persons shaking hands to express a bond between people. The last message we put in the logo was about passion as bringing out wisdom needs having the purpose of making the most of life, and to do that “passion is necessary” and therefore the color of the logo naturally became “red”.